New Year
I've never gotten much into New Years as a celebratory event. Solstices, equinoxes full moons and the like seem more worthy of celebration. At any rate 'Happy New Year' seems in order.... May you live long and prosper. So it's New Years on the boat .. We got back to the boat about noon as the marina charging and WiFi area was closing early so the staff, I suppose could party down and celebrate the annual event. I'm in the V berth and after getting this ready to post tomorrow I'll watch a movie on my iPad and go to sleep. The wind really started howling about 2:30 pm and it rained a bit.. Still it's maybe just under 70 degrees. Sounds like some real cold temps coming to northern Minnesota. It's odd how the various folks down here who used to live further north react to the cold forecast up north. Like referring to those still living up there as 'suckers'?? Word is the next weather window is January 5th.. I'll have been here a full m