Sailboat shopping...

After my planned volunteer crewing from Jacksonville, Florida to Rio Dulce, Guatemala was canceled due to engine issues it was easy to decide to take Greyhound over to Pensacola to have a look at a Islander Freeport 36 I had been looking at online. I contacted the broker and he was nice enough to drive 21 miles to the Greyhound station and pick me up.. It had been a more grueling travel day than the trip down with waiting at bus stations and long bus rides. He met me at a McDonalds next to the bus station where I’d hung out over 4 hours. We had a good look at the boat and he answered a lot of questions and showed me more details not in the online listing. It’s certainly possible I could end up making an offer on this boat but not until I’ve looked at quite a few other boats. After looking at the boat he dropped me at a hotel fairly close to the marina I had reserved a room.. I was very tired and slept 14 hours. Here’s a few photos of the boat.
